Miracles in the Garden

Miracles in the Garden

A 15′ x15′ plot of the dirt. That’s what my family began with last summer when we joined a community garden. Hard clay and weeds resided in our garden square. With shovels and pitch forks and hoes, my family worked away, digging and turning and flinging dirt. Every once and awhile, we’d stop to breathe […]

Gluten-Free Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Gluten-Free Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

I LOVE chocolate chip cookies!  It’s my favorite cookie, for sure.  Over the years, I’ve made batches upon batches of this beloved cookie using a recipe my mom gave me. But recently, I discovered that foods with gluten don’t settle all that well with me.  And so I’ve steered clear of many baked goods, including […]